Tyndale Digital Collections
Tyndale Digital Collections (TDC), managed by the J. William Horsey Library, is a digital repository offering a central location for the deposit, maintenance and long-term preservation of the research and other scholarly production of the Tyndale University Community. TDC also holds digitized items of value from the University Archives and special collections that highlight the history, nature and culture of the University. One of our key missions is to ensure that these scholarly and creative endeavors are accessible to the widest possible audience. Candidates for deposit in TDC include journal articles, conference papers, instructional resources, student projects, theses, dissertations, university archival materials, and more. For more information about TDC, please contact us at repository@tyndale.ca.
Communities in Tyndale Digital Collections
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Recently Added
Thinking through the Bible. Volume IV. The New Testament. Romans to Revelation
(Upper Canada Tract and Book SocietyToronto, Ont., 1944) -
Thinking through the Bible. Volume III. The New Testament. Matthew to Acts
(Upper Canada Tract and Book SocietyToronto, Ont., 1944) -
Thinking through the Bible. Volume II. The Old Testament. Job to Malachi
(Upper Canada Tract and Book SocietyToronto, Ont., 1944) -
Thinking through the Bible. Volume I. The Old Testament. Genesis to Esther
(Upper Canada Tract and Book SocietyToronto, Ont., 1944) -
The Christian evangel: a modern restatement of the ancient faith
(American Tract SocietyNew York, 1937)