Copyright holder: Tyndale University, 3377 Bayview Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2M 3S4 Att.: Library Director, J. William Horsey Library Copyright: This Work has been made available by the authority of the copyright owner solely for the purpose of private study and research and may not be copied or reproduced except as permitted by the copyright laws of Canada without the written authority from the copyright owner. Copyright license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License Citation: London Bible Institute. "Program of the Third Annual Commencement of the London Bible Institute, Tuesday, June 3, at 8 p.m. at the London Gospel Centre, London, Ontario." (1941) ***** Begin Content ****** [Page 1 of 4] [ Heading 1 ] Program OF THE THIRD Annual Commencement OF THE LONDON BIBLE INSTITUTE [ Heading 2 ] [date and time, address of the event] Tuesday, June 3, at 8 p. m. London Gospel Centre LONDON, ONTARIO [ Page 2 of 4 ] [ Heading 3 ] The Program [ Heading 3a] [master of ceremony] Dr. J. W. Mahood, Chairman Prelude Processional National Anthem Invocation Hymn: "Love Divine All Love Excelling." Welcome - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blossom Wright "He Was Wounded for Our Transgressions" - - - - - - - - - - - - Choral Club Testimony - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grace Pearce Announcements - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. J. W. Mahood Testimonies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Helen Wildfang, Harry Twine "Since Jesus Is Mine" - - - - - - - - - Trio (Mrs. Hulbert, Mr. and Mrs. Hartill) Farewell Message - - - - Fred Wakeling "That's Why I Love Him So" - - - - - - - - Mrs. Hulbert (Violin obligato — Mr. Hartill) Message - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rev. T. Christie Innes "In Gethsemane" Choral Club Presentation of Diplomas - - - - - - - - - Dr. J. W. Mahood Benediction [ Page 3 of 4 ] [ Heading 4 ] [hymn title] "Love Divine All Love Excelling" [verse 1] Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of Heav'n, to earth come down; Fix in us Thy humble dwelling, All Thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art; Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter ev'ry trembling heart. [verse 2] Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy life receive; Suddenly return, and never, . Never more Thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. [verse 3] Finish, then, Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be. Let us see Thy great. salvation Perfectly restored in Thee; Changed from glory into glory Till in Heav'n. we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. [ Heading 4a ] [announcements] The Palms are being furnished with the compliments of THE DICKS' GREENHOUSE [ Page 4 of 4 ] [Heading 5] GRADUATING CLASS, 1941 [ Heading 5a ] Day School Harry Twine ..................London, Ontario Fred Wakeling.................Simcoe, Ontario Helen Wildfang...............Tillsonburg, Ontario Blossom Wright................Centralia, Ontario [ Heading 5b ] Evening School Grace Pearce ...................London, Ontario [ Heading 6] THE PRESIDENT'S WORD We have come to our third graduation. With the five who are graduated tonight we shall have given diplomas to 23 in the three-year course. Our,students, are already scattered over the world. preaching and teaching the Gospel of the risen Christ. In the midst of war activities, which in the present crisis must not be lessened, we must' maintain this work if we continue to have God's favor.' For the triumph of the Gospel of Christ is the only hope of a war-stricken World. Unless we do give strong support to our church work and to the training of our young people for the Master's service we shall not be ready for' victory when it comes. The Institute depends upon the gifts of Christian people for its support. It was begun as a work of faith and is carried on as a work of faith.- We are anxious to close up this year having met, all our operating expenses, which amounts to $100,a week. We need $500 at once. Will you-join us in prayer for this, and will you use one of the envelopes in the pews tonight for your gift, or for a pledge? Thanking you, I am Yours in Him, J. W. MAHOOD ***** This is the end of the e-text. This e-text was brought to you by Tyndale University, J. William Horsey Library - Tyndale Digital Collections *****