Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • 'His Mercy is Over all His Works': John Wesley's Mature Vision of New Creation 

      Pedlar, James E., 1979- (Canadian Evangelical Theological AssociationHepburn, Sask, 2013)
      For much of his life, John Wesley accepted common Christian assumptions regarding final salvation as a state of spiritual rest in paradise. Late in life, however, he rejected these assumptions, as “the new creation” became ...
    • Redemption and Relationship: Meditations on Exodus 

      Witt, Andrew C. (Editor); Tyndale University College & Seminary; Department of Biblical Studies and Theology; Tyndale University, J. William Horsey Library, 3377 Bayview Ave., Toronto, ON, M2M 3S4, Canada. Contact: (Wipf & StockEugene, OR, 2018)