Browsing Tyndale University by Author "Canadian Chinese School of Theology"
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
Cong jiao hui li shi kan Hua ren jiao hui de zheng tong=從教會歷史看華人教會的正統
Yeung, Jason Hing Kau=楊慶球 (Canadian Chinese School of Theology=加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Fu huo qi wu shi ri de qi di=復活期五十日的啟迪
Wong, Helen=王莫熙琳 (Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Fu qin xin, er nu qing: tian guo lun li de shen xue mo xiang =父親心、兒女情 : 天國倫理的神學默想
Lee, Edwin= 李錦綸 (Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Gan en, gan en gan yu ji qi ge ren si kao=感恩、感恩干預及其個人思考
Ni, Qinqun=倪星群 (Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
The Holocaust and Moltmann’s Theodicy
Au, Peter Ying Yuk (Regent College PublishingVancouver, B.C., 2014) -
How Am I Going to Grow Up? : An Exploration of Congregational Transition among Second-Generation Chinese Canadian Evangelicals and Servant-Leadership
Wong, Enoch Kin On (Langham PublishingCarlisle, UK, 2021)Second-generation Chinese Canadian evangelicals inhabit a complex liminal space, positioned between the world of their parents and broader Canadian society. In this study, Dr. Enoch Wong explores the "silent exodus" of ... -
How am I Going to Grow Up? An Exploration of Congregational Transition among Second-Generation Chinese Canadian Evangelicals and Servant-Leadership
Wong, Enoch Kin On (Enoch WongSpokane University, 2015)Growing up in Canada, second-generation Chinese Canadian evangelicals (SGCCE) face multiple forces that shape their growth and identity, not least of which are ethnicity and religion. This cohort undergoes a double process ... -
Hui ying zhe shi ke de xu yao = 回應這時刻的需要
Leung, Ivan=梁海華 (Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jian gou Hua ren jiao hui Jidu jiao jiao yu shen xue chu yi=建構華人教會基督教教育神學芻議
Chow, Anthony=鄒永恒 (Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jianada Zhongguo yi min fu yin shi gong ce lue=加拿大中國移民福音事工策略
Wong, Wilson=黃文超 (Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jidu jiao jiao yu dao lun = 基督教教育导论
Ou, Yingyu=区应毓; Fang, Yue=方悦; Chow, Anthony Wing-Hang = 鄒永恒; Shi, Shuru=施淑如 (金陵协和神学院= Jinling xie he shen xue yuanNanjing, China, 2014) -
Jiu tian ren zhi ji : gu jin dong xi Jidu jiao jiao yi shi (shang ce) = 究天人之際 : 古今東西基督教教義史(上冊)
Ou, Yingyu=區應毓 (Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-Born Chinese Christians
Wong, Enoch Kin On (CCCOWE CanadaMarkham, Ont., 2018) -
Listening to Their Voices: An Exploration of Faith Journeys of Canadian-Born Chinese Christians
Wong, Enoch Kin On (CCCOWE CanadaMarkham, Ont., 2019) -
Lun Lao Zi Dao de jing de he yi xian xiang: yi zhong gai nian xing fen xi =論老子道德經的合一現象: 一種概念性分析
Yan, Zhonghu=顏鐘祜 (Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Mading Lude lun jiang dao=馬丁路德論講道
Chan, John=陳欣懿 (Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Men tu shen du xing (yi) : men tu san bao = 門徒深度行 (一) : 門徒三寶
Ou, Yingyu=区应毓 (Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2021) -
The Placement of Psalm 90 in the Psalter: A Theological Consideration
Ko, Grace (Canadian Chinese School of Theolgoy = 加拿大華人神學院.Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Qian lun Liu Xiaogan lun ji ‘Lao Zi’ zhong de ‘dao’ fei Jidu jiao shang di de guan dian=淺論劉笑敢論及〈老子〉中的「道」非基督教上帝的觀點
Quan, Carl=權陳 (Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Rhetorical Analysis of the "Woe Oracles" in the Book of Habakkuk
Theophilus, Paul=鄭貽富 (Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022)