Browsing Tyndale University by Subject "Participatory Action Research"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Action Research Ethics for DMin Students
(Association for Doctor of Ministry EducationLittleton, CO, 2018-03-06)Research influences its context. While careful researchers try to minimize this influence by, for example, avoiding research contexts where researchers exercise authority over individuals or organizations, many DMin students ... -
An Exploration of Spiritual Formation to Increase Awareness and Attachment to God, Self and Others
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-03)he purpose of this portfolio was to explore spiritual formation through lectio Divina, spiritual direction and a focus group to increase awareness of attachment to God, self and others. The portfolio includes a spiritual ... -
A Participatory Strength-Based Review of the Flexible Model of Training for Salvation Army Officers in the Finland and Estonia Territory
(Tyndale University, 2021-06)In 2002, The Salvation Army in the Finland and Estonia Territory moved from a standard residential officer training model to a flexible, non-residential training model. The passing years brought changes within The Salvation ... -
Steward Leadership in Action: Growing a Sense of Belonging within the English Ministry of a Chinese Canadian Church in Vancouver, Canada
(Tyndale University, 2024-08)This research portfolio focused on fostering a sense of belonging within the English Ministry (EM) at Lord’s Love Church (LLC), a non-denominational Chinese Canadian church in Vancouver, Canada. As an EM pastor, the author ... -
Wouldn’t It Be Nice? An Examination of Inter-Church Relationships among the Oxford-Brant Association of CBOQ Churches
(Tyndale University, 2021-04)The Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (or CBOQ), contain clusters of local congregations called “Associations” which were originally created over four centuries ago to serve as unifying, resourcing centres of shared ...