Tyndale University: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 1277
Theses from OCMS: ‘A Kind of Perseverance’: Margaret Avison’s Poetry As Christian Witness
(SAGELondon; Thousand Oaks, Calif., 2011) -
Walking the Line: Embracing the Imperatives of Jesus
(Wipf & StockEugene, OR, 2021) -
Abba’s Whisper: Listening for the Voice of God
(Wipf and StockEugene, OR, 2017) -
Becoming a Follower of Christ: Exploring Conversion through Historical and Missiological Lenses
(De GruyterBerlin, Germany, 2018-10)Conversion is a critical part of Evangelical theology and missiology. It has been defined as a crisis experience or a decision at a specific point in time. However, there is always an aspect of development, a process, ... -
Compassion and the Mission of God: Revealing the Invisible Kingdom
(Langham Global LibraryCarlisle, UK, 2016) -
Moving Out of the Margins: The Shi’as Lebanon and Their Journey Out of Marginalization and Poverty. Lessons for Missions in the Middle East
(Acadia University, Acadia Divinity CollegeWolfville, N.S., 2014-03-14)The focus of this thesis is to understand how Islam conceptualized poverty and how this understanding, along with other factors, enabled the Shi'ite community in Lebanon to move out of the margins of society and out of ... -
Profiles of Poverty: The Human Face of Poverty in Lebanon
(Dar Manhal al HayatMansourieh, Lebanon, 2011) -
Food Security and Food Sovereignty in Iraq
(Taylor & FrancisLondon; New York, 2007)This paper examines the impact of war and sanctions on food security in Iraq from 1990 to 2006. Iraq provides an important example of a country that went through an almost complete "exclusion" from the global economy under ... -
America’s Failing Economy and the Rise of Ronald Reagan
(Palgrave Macmillan, published by Springer NatureCham, Switzerland, 2018) -
Canada’s Salvation Army and War: The War Cry, Soul Saving, and the South African War
(Pickwick PublicationsEugene, OR, 2017) -
Senator Margaret Chase Smith against McCarthyism: The Methodist Influence
(General Commission of Archives and History, United Methodist ChurchMadison, NJ, 2008-04) -
Churchmen and Statesmen: Christian Ecclesiastical Embassies and Diplomacy for Non-Christian Empires During Late Antiquity and Medieval Period (4th-14th)
(Canadian Society for Syriac Studies, De Gruyter[Toronto, etc.], 2020) -
Christian-based Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy for East Asian Canadians and Findings from the CSPEARIT Study
(American Psychological AssociationWashington, D.C., 2023)There is a paucity of literature in the use of spiritually integrated psychotherapy with clients of East Asian descent. A wide variety of spiritual interventions are utilized in Christian-based spiritually integrated ... -
New Evangelicalism, Christianity Today, and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1956-1965
(Canadian-American Theological AssociationRochester, NY, 2006) -
Father Andrew Hogan and Social Activism, 1945-1980
(Canadian Church Historical SocietyToronto, Ont., 2005) -
Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship
(RoutledgeNew York, 2004) -
Methodist Encounters: Confronting the Western and Urban Frontiers of Nineteenth-Century America
(General Commission of Archives and History, United Methodist ChurchMadison, NJ, 2002-04) -
Responding to the Reds: Conservative Protestants, Anti-Communism, and the Shaping of American Culture, 1945-1965
(Canadian Society of Church History[unknown], 2002) -
Encountering God's Healing through Holistic Spiritual Formation
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-03)This portfolio begins by way of a spiritual autobiography to explore how the Lord has introduced me to different kinds of beauty, in an effort to bring about transformative beauty in my own life. These include the beauty ... -
Transformation Happens at the Margins: Shaping Beatitudinal Character of Volunteers By Embracing Excluded, Marginalized, Inconvenient Others at Drop-In Centres
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-04)Jesus said "you cannot serve two masters." Yet, in the Western, Middle-Class Church (marked by syncretism) the world's ways (which exclude "inconvenient others") conflict with Jesus' ways (of embracing them). Consequentially, ...