Tyndale University: Recent submissions
Now showing items 461-480 of 1277
Sabbath Rest in Multivocational Ministry
(Wipf and StockEugene, OR, 2022) -
Designing and Field-Testing a Model for Managing Leadership Fears
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2014-03)This project designed, field-tested, and assessed a model called Adaptive Courage to guide the process of managing leadership fears. The research methodologies used in assessment were evaluative, phenomenological, and ... -
The Tentmaking Home as Sanctuary
(Wipf and StockEugene, OR, 2022) -
Charism, Vocation, and Work: Theological Reflections on Tentmaking
(Wipf and StockEugene, OR, 2022) -
What Multivocational Ministers Can Learn from Paul’s Tentmaking Experience
(Wipf and StockEugene, OR, 2022) -
Tentmakers: Multivocational Ministry in Western Society
(Wipf and StockEugene, OR, 2022) -
Psalm 102 within the Context of the Hebrew Psalter
(E.J. BrillLeiden, The Netherlands, 2012)Along with recent scholarship which is concerned with reading the book of Psalms as a whole, this article analyzes Psalm 102 within its canonical, literary context. It focuses on two main areas. First, the superscription. ... -
Using a Motivational Typology to Understand and Respond to Disruptive Behavior
(Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)Waynesville, NC, U.S.A., 2022)This case study is about understanding disruptive students who are motivated by a psychological need to invoke change in a learning space. Marczewski’s User Types Test, a typology for classifying both intrinsic and extrinsic ... -
Designing a Storybook Based on Matthew 19:13-15 to Share Faith with Primary School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-03)The number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder has increased in Canada, which is reflected at Living Faith Community Presbyterian Church in Baxter, Ontario, where the number of special needs children has ... -
A Voice Without End: The Role of David in Psalms 3-14
(EisenbraunsUniversity Park, PA, 2021) -
Innovating Christian Education Research: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
(Springer SingaporeSingapore, 2021)This book reformulates Christian education as an interdisciplinary and interdenominational vocation for professionals and practitioners. It speaks directly to a range of contemporary contexts with the aim of encouraging ... -
’A Very Pretty Amber Cross’: Material Sources of Elegance in Mansfield Park
(University of Virginia PressCharlottesville, VA, 2020) -
Doctrine in the Salvation Army Tradition
(Canadian Centre for EcumenismMontreal, 2010) -
O Boundless Salvation: Save Souls, Grow Saints, and Serve Suffering Humanity – The Army’s Holistic Vision
(PaternosterMilton Keynes, UK, 2016) -
Holiness Family
(Gale, Cengage LearningFarmington Hills, MI, 2017) -
Review of The Origins of Primitive Methodism, by Sandy Calder
(Wiley-BlackwellOxford, UK, 2018) -
Live What You Believe
(Church on the Rock Pub.Hamilton, ON, 2004) -
Soul searching the Millennial Generation: Strategies for Youth Workers
(StoddartToronto, Ont., 2002) -
Reasons to Believe
(Church on the Rock Pub.Hamilton, ON, 2001) -
Leading in Disorienting Times: Navigating Church and Organizational Change
(Chalice PressAtlanta, GA, 2015)