Browsing Dissertations, Research Portfolios and Theses by Title
Now showing items 141-160 of 195
Re-entry and Belonging: Policy and Procedure Enhancement for Re-entry Based on Evaluating Experiences from Students in a Mennonite German-Speaking Short-Term Mission Program
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-01)Developing a sense of belonging plays a significant role in successful reentry. The sense of belonging is nurtured through accountable relationships, good communication, awareness and understanding of re-entry stress, and ... -
Refinement and Implementation of a Christian Leadership Development Model at Pickering Pentecostal Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-03)This research project involved the refinement and implementation of A Christian Leadership Development Model (ACLDM) at Pickering Pentecostal Church (PPC) for the purpose of developing leaders. Empowering and developing ... -
The Relationship between Emotional Competence and Implicit Social Cognition
(Tyndale University, 2021-03-22)The contribution of emotional intelligence towards healthy interpersonal interaction has been well documented (Lopes et a., 2004, Lopes et al., 2005, Schutte et al., 2001, Vescio et al., 2003). Presumably, holding implicit ... -
The Relationship between Parenting Style and a Child’s Emotional Intelligence
(Tyndale University, 2023-03)The relationship between a parents’ parenting style, a child’s emotional intelligence scores, and whether or not the child grew up in a household with two parents was measured in a sample of undergraduate students at Tyndale ... -
Relationships Between Age, Gender, Familiarity with Mental Illness, Openness, and Empathy Toward Individuals with Mental Illness
(Tyndale University, 2024-04)Empathy is a fundamental component in social cognition and prosocial behaviour (Sommerlad et al., 2021). The aim in this study was to investigate the relationships between empathy toward individuals with mental illness and ... -
The Relationships between Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, and Academic Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Tyndale University, 2022-04-18)The adversities inflicted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic placed university students at a disadvantage in their pursuit of academic achievement. Previous studies demonstrated that emotional intelligence (EI) and resilience ... -
Relationships Between Psychological Birth Order and Perfectionism
(Tyndale University, 2022-04-11)Research examining ordinal birth order in relation to various variables has continued for decades with mixed results. However, with the resurgence of an Adlerian conceptualization of birth order, studies have begun producing ... -
Relationships between Psychology, Emotional Intelligence and Binge Watching Engagement
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-04)This study sought to measure the relationship between television binge watching engagement and individual characteristics such as personality and emotional intelligence. It was predicted that binge watching engagement would ... -
Releasing Missio Dei Behaviour: The Creation and Testing of a Cultural Model Based on the Relationship Between Ethos, Worldview and Habitus in the Context of an Inner City Ministry
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-04)Missio Dei is God's active will to restore a broken relationship between humanity and Himself. The church as a collective body of believers perpetuates the act of reconciliation by actively volunteering works of service ... -
Renovation: The Trinity Transforming Lives
(Tyndale University, 2024-01)The Trinity exists in perfect harmony and relationship. Humanity was created to share in that relational love. In pride, the created chose knowledge over a relationship with the Creator, breaking God’s designed order and ... -
Researching, Designing, and Evaluating a Course to Prepare North American College-Age Students for Youth Ministry in a Global Context
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2014-09)A majority of trained evangelical youth workers are located in North America and therefore serving a minority of the world's youth. The purpose of this project was to determine principles and praxes of disciple-making ... -
The Sanctified Journey : Labyrinths and Gospel Contemplation in a Wesleyan Context
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-11)Spiritual formation is the process of following Jesus and how we become like him. Although some view this process as a linear experience, the pattern of a labyrinth is another way to describe this spiritual journey. The ... -
Seeing the Book of Isaiah Through the Lens of Isaiah 6: A Theological Study of the Tensions Between the Holy One and Israel in a Canonical Approach
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-05) -
The Semantic Range of Blood: With a Focus on Blood in Sacrifices
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-04) -
Servant, Transformational, and Missional Leadership Essential Relational Qualities and Competencies and Seminar for more Effective Ontario Nazarene Pastoral Leadership
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-03)This project addresses a gap between pastoral leadership training and the demands upon leadership in Ontario Church of the Nazarene parish ministry. Through Action Research analyzed using Grounded Theory this project ... -
Shepherd Care: How the Discipline of Spiritual Direction Facilitates Pastors' Relationships with God, Their Sense of Call, and Their Relationships with Congregations
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2014)Pastors' relationships with God, their calls, and their congregations are integral to their ministries. When anyone of these relationships is damaged or left untended, it can cause difficulties in a pastor's spiritual life ... -
Silence and Storytelling: The Dance of Formation for the Ministry of Spiritual Direction
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-08)This portfolio develops the themes of storytelling and listening, silence and community and the necessity of the integration of theology and experience in our spiritual journeys. The role of private prayer and personal ... -
Social Media Usage, Narcissism, and Romantic Relationship Quality: A Correlational Analysis
(Tyndale University, 2023-04)Research has shown an increase in narcissism in the general population over time (Twenge & Campbell, 2009). One reason for this phenomenon is due to social media and its features such as likes, comments, and follows that ... -
Spiritual Formation in a Hong Kong Chinese Context: A Personal Journey, a Teachable Model Based on 1 John 2:12-14, and a Research Report
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-04)In this research portfolio, the author describes Christian spiritual formation as a growth process with common stages and tasks with reference to 1 John 2:12-14 while acknowledging the uniqueness of spiritual experience ... -
Spiritual Formation of Mature Believers: How Glencairn MB Church Deepened Mature Believers By Means of Spiritual Memoir Writing
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-06)Exploring spiritual formation in the local church, this research portfolio examines a potential three year model for helping mature disciples of Jesus deepen into Christ-centered life. First, disciples are encouraged to ...