Browsing Dissertations, Research Portfolios and Theses by Title
Now showing items 125-144 of 195
Mobilizing "Second-Mile" Christians to Engage in Ministries in a Chinese Church Through the Tribe of Caleb Project : An Initiative to Equip Cantonese-Speaking Senior Christians and Provide Them with Opportunities to Serve
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-02)Chinese churches in Canada have been enjoying significant growth over the past few decades, but their aging Cantonese-speaking congregations have started to show signs of withdrawal from active church ministry. Using the ... -
A Model for Fostering Relational Growth by Using Appreciative Inquiry at New Life Adventist Church in Oshawa, Ontario
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-03)This project introduced the Appreciative Inquiry process to the New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church in Oshawa for the purpose of fostering positive change towards increased loving relationships with one another. The ... -
Moving Forward in Mission: Introducing Missional Life to a Rural Newfoundland and Labrador Pentecostal Church through Shared Narratives and Missional Experiments
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-01)This study investigated the role, if any, that narrative research, appreciative inquiry, and missional experimentation have in helping people in a local church to understand their participation in the mission of God. The ... -
One Body in Christ: A Strategic Planned Changed Project in the Church Assembly in Toronto Transitioning an Ethnic Church Into a Missional Multi-Ethnic Church Through the Adoption of the Local Majority Official Language in the Sunday Service
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-03)This study is a project of planned change transitioning the language employed in the Sunday service of the Church Assembly in Toronto from Chinese to English. The purpose of the change is to create an environment that can ... -
Online Discipling of North African Isolated Christians of Muslim Background
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-03)This project was a small-scale study of the effectiveness of using the Created for Relationship curriculum (Arabic Version) to disciple isolated Christians from Muslim backgrounds (CMB) of North African descent, using ... -
"Parenting with Heart": The Development and Evaluation of a Christian Parenting Curriculum to Support and Encourage the Family to Be the Domestic Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-03)The methodologies of participatory action research and curriculum development were used to develop and evaluate a Christian parenting curriculum, Parenting with Heart, to support and encourage families, in their vocation ... -
A Participatory Strength-Based Review of the Flexible Model of Training for Salvation Army Officers in the Finland and Estonia Territory
(Tyndale University, 2021-06)In 2002, The Salvation Army in the Finland and Estonia Territory moved from a standard residential officer training model to a flexible, non-residential training model. The passing years brought changes within The Salvation ... -
Past, Future, and Present: A Ministry Journey Unstuck in Time
(Tyndale University, 2022-09)In this portfolio the writer explored his ministry journey and identity through the lens of time, looking at his past, future, and present, in order to plot a course forward. In considering his past he examined how his ... -
Paul's Use of the Exodus Narrative in His Argumentation in 1 Corinthians 5
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-04)This thesis examines how Paul uses analogies between the Corinthians' situation and the exodus narrative in 1 Corinthians 5 to encourage proper ethical deliberation in his audience. He urges the Corinthians to rethink their ... -
Practical Enhancements to Willow Creek’s Spiritual Continuum: Prayer, Mentoring, Small Groups, and the Cross
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-08)This project explores in three parts the connection between mentoring, growth in personal prayer practices, and spiritual growth. The first part looks at how mentoring and personal prayer practices influenced my personal ... -
The Practice of Silence and Its Related Spiritual Disciplines in Guiding Cambodian Christian Leaders Toward Christlike Transformation
(Tyndale University, 2023-06)I have in my desire to be inwardly transformed toward Christlikeness and become as close to God as possible. My spiritual autobiography in this portfolio is a testimony of such a journey toward Christlikeness, a journey ... -
Practicing Community: Postures and Practices for Spiritual Formation
(Tyndale University, 2023-12)This Research Portfolio explores the ministry of spiritual formation through the development of Practicing Communities (PCs) in Christian congregations. Aspects of individualism in my personal life and spiritual communities ... -
Priming Ability EI to Impact Ability EI, Implicit Theories of EI, and Resilience
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-05)This study examines priming as a means to increase emotional intelligence and the relationship between implicit theories of emotional intelligence, ability emotional intelligence, and resilience. Individuals with greater ... -
A Psychospiritual Approach to Christian Spiritual Formation
(Tyndale University, 2023-02)This research portfolio presents an integrated psychospiritual approach to Christian spiritual formation. It arose from the author’s reflection on her own spiritual journey, from her professional experience as a psychotherapist, ... -
The Purpose and Portrayal of the śāṭān in the Old Testament
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2004-05) -
Re-entry and Belonging: Policy and Procedure Enhancement for Re-entry Based on Evaluating Experiences from Students in a Mennonite German-Speaking Short-Term Mission Program
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-01)Developing a sense of belonging plays a significant role in successful reentry. The sense of belonging is nurtured through accountable relationships, good communication, awareness and understanding of re-entry stress, and ... -
Refinement and Implementation of a Christian Leadership Development Model at Pickering Pentecostal Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-03)This research project involved the refinement and implementation of A Christian Leadership Development Model (ACLDM) at Pickering Pentecostal Church (PPC) for the purpose of developing leaders. Empowering and developing ... -
The Relationship between Emotional Competence and Implicit Social Cognition
(Tyndale University, 2021-03-22)The contribution of emotional intelligence towards healthy interpersonal interaction has been well documented (Lopes et a., 2004, Lopes et al., 2005, Schutte et al., 2001, Vescio et al., 2003). Presumably, holding implicit ... -
The Relationship between Parenting Style and a Child’s Emotional Intelligence
(Tyndale University, 2023-03)The relationship between a parents’ parenting style, a child’s emotional intelligence scores, and whether or not the child grew up in a household with two parents was measured in a sample of undergraduate students at Tyndale ...