Browsing Dissertations, Research Portfolios and Theses by Title
Now showing items 85-104 of 194
From Imago Dei to Missio Dei: An Art Experiment as Invitation to Spiritual Transformation
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-01)Jesus told stories and weaved together metaphors that called his followers and detractors to consider their place in the Kingdom of God. Today church leaders are challenged to engage the theological imagination in order ... -
"Fulfilling the Law" in Paul's Epistles: The Connection Between the Old Testament Law and Christian Ethics
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-04)Although the Bible is not strictly or primarily moralistic, ethics continue to be an important and unavoidable concern of the Christian life. The role of the OT in developing ethics is frequently debated. One common position ... -
God's Will That All Be Saved: The Character of God Revealed By the Word in John Wesley's Doctrine of Predestination
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-04)This thesis is a study of John Wesley's doctrine of predestination. It focuses on Wesley's view of God's character based on his understanding of both Scripture and Jesus Christ. Wesley's concept of the character of God as ... -
Grace Leads to Joy: Spiritual Formation and the Examen
(Tyndale University, 2021-02)The purpose of this portfolio was to study how best to lead church congregants in Christian spiritual discernment toward spiritual formation. This portfolio begins with the author’s spiritual autobiography and with that ... -
Hagar, Favored Woman, Favored Wife: A Narrative-Critical Study of the Egyptian Slave
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2003-04-23) -
A Holistic Spiritual Formation Model for Selected Chinese Evangelical Churches in the G.T.A.
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-02)A holistic spiritual formation journey includes knowing the revealed and hidden aspects of God with our minds and our hearts. This is integral to Christian formation and facilitating authentic spiritual transformation in ... -
Identifying and Addressing Barriers to the Discipleship of Believers from Muslim Background in the Arabian Peninsula
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-08)One of the most pressing issues facing the rapidly emerging church in the Arabian Peninsula (AP) area is how to overcome barriers hampering the spiritual development of believers from Muslim backgrounds (BMBs). This research ... -
The Impact of a Staff Performance Management System on Performance Outcomes and Employee Commitment in a Private, Christian, Higher Education Institution
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-09)This thesis explored performance management in a private, Christian, Canadian, higher education institution. A Model for Effective Performance Management was developed which served as a framework for a participatory action ... -
The Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Culture on Emotion Recognition in Music
(Tyndale University, 2020)Do culture and emotional intelligence have an impact on emotion-recognition abilities in music? I hypothesized that people from one culture would more accurately recognize the emotions in instrumental music from their ... -
The Impact of Lament Rituals on the Spiritual Wellbeing of Medical Staff in the Health Care Environment
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-11)Lament rituals are a powerful tool for healing the spirit and a very human means of touching the emotion. This research project seeks to establish the value of lament rituals to promote self-awareness and grief expression ... -
Implementing the Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Revitalize the Church of Pentecost Canada
(Tyndale University, 2020-09)The Church of Pentecost Canada is an ethnic Pentecostal denomination with roots from Ghana. Over the last thirty years she has grown numerically, spiritually and geographically across Canada. However, the church is confronted ... -
The Importance of Hearing God in the Spiritual Formation of Chinese Christians of Immigrant Background
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-01)Christian spiritual formation is a process of being conformed to the image of Christ. A Christlike Christian will be a convincing witness for Christ. The focus of this portfolio is to help Chinese immigrant Christians in ... -
Improving Our Welcome: Listening and Responding to Newcomers in Order to Improve the Hospitality of Weyburn Free Methodist Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-05)This action research project used interviews to gain insight into the experience of newcomers to a rural church, used group discernment techniques to generate a response, and then evaluated the process and outcomes with ... -
An Integrated Approach to Spiritual Direction: Converging Spirituality, Creativity, and Cognitive Theories through the Expressive Arts as a Model for Christian Spiritual Formation
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-04)Christian spiritual direction today builds on both an ancient and an emerging practice. There remains both in the old and the new, a theological assumption that the “spiritual life and the practice of spiritual direction ... -
An Integrative Model of Spiritual Formation: Incorporating Practices from Christian Spirituality and Psychotherapy
(Tyndale University, 2020-06)This portfolio presents an integrative approach to Christian spiritual formation that refutes the dualism of the modern era. This dualism, which has dominated the western world for approximately three hundred years, places ... -
Intentionality in the Practice of Spiritual Disciplines: A Case Study
(Tyndale University, 2023-02)In this research portfolio, the author will answer the following questions: What place should spiritual disciplines have in the life of a Christian and how does the Christian need to be intentional in the practice of them? ... -
Introducing and Assessing the Spiritual Discipline of Morning and Evening Prayer to the Congregation at Christian Baptist Church, Newmarket
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2014-10)A project was designed to introduce the spiritual discipline of morning and evening prayer to the congregation at Christian Baptist Church in Newmarket, Ontario to enhance the vitality of the congregation. A prayer guide ... -
Introducing Kenotic Conversation and Assessing its Impact Among Cantonese and English Generations in Markham Chinese Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Canada
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2016-04)This study demonstrated how Kenotic Conversation (KC) could improve the trust relationships between the leaders from an older Cantonese generation and members of a younger English generation at the Markham Chinese Presbyterian ... -
Introducing Post-Preaching Reflection and Assessing its Impact on Selected Members of the Richmond Hill Chinese Baptist Church, Ontario, Canada
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-03)This study demonstrated how post-preaching reflection on Sunday sermons could develop the congregants' ability of Richmond Hill Chinese Baptist Church to learn and apply Scripture to their daily lives. The study was an ... -
Ironies in Abraham's Family : A Study of Narrative Linkage Between Gen. 21:8-21 and Gen. 22:1-19
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2004)