Tyndale University: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 1277
The Promise of Difference: An Intercultural Response to Racial Diversity within the Canadian Church
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Methodist Tentmakers: Learning from the Present, Dreaming about the Future
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Unlikely Twins: Francis of Assisi and John Wesley – Implications for Pastoral Ministry Today
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
The Chair of Wesley Studies: Its Birth-Pangs at Tyndale, Its Unapologetic Contribution of Theological Riches, Its Full Flowering in a World God Refuses to Forsake
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Seeking an Alternative Narrative for a Secular Age
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Five Marks for Wesleyan Leadership
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Dreams as Divine Revelation: A Wesleyan Approach
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Schedule for the 2023 Wesley Studies Symposium
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Theological Themes Behind Martin Luther’s Advices Given to the Sick and Dying: A Short Paper Based on the Readings from the Consolatory Letters in Luther, Letters of Spiritual Counsel
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Rhetorical Analysis of the "Woe Oracles" in the Book of Habakkuk
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Xie zuo shi jiao mu ling dao =協作式教牧領導
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Qian lun Liu Xiaogan lun ji ‘Lao Zi’ zhong de ‘dao’ fei Jidu jiao shang di de guan dian=淺論劉笑敢論及〈老子〉中的「道」非基督教上帝的觀點
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Hui ying zhe shi ke de xu yao = 回應這時刻的需要
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Fu qin xin, er nu qing: tian guo lun li de shen xue mo xiang =父親心、兒女情 : 天國倫理的神學默想
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
“’Ruo’: Xin yue Xila wen tiao jian ju de gong yong” =「若」: 新約希臘文條件句的功用
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jian gou Hua ren jiao hui Jidu jiao jiao yu shen xue chu yi=建構華人教會基督教教育神學芻議
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Zhongguo xin, Zhongguo xing=中國心, 中國行
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jiu tian ren zhi ji : gu jin dong xi Jidu jiao jiao yi shi (shang ce) = 究天人之際 : 古今東西基督教教義史(上冊)
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Tian huang zhi: Riben xuan jiao zhong wu fa hui bi de ke ti=天皇制度: 日本宣教中無法迴避的課題
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022)