Citation for English references: Tam, Wenjun譚文鈞. “Xie zuo shi jiao mu ling dao” 協作式教牧領導. In Yi sheng ming ying xiang sheng ming: xian yu Ou Yingyu mu shi lun wen ji 以生命影響生命: 獻予區應毓牧師論文集 [A life influences lives: a festschrift dedicated to Rev. Dr. Peter Au], edited by Chow, Anthony Wing-Hang 鄒永恒, 349-361. [Toronto, Ontario]: Jianada hua ren shen xue yuan, 2022.; Citation for Chinese references: 譚文鈞:〈協作式教牧領導〉,《以生命影響生命:獻予區應毓牧師論文集》,鄒永恒編,2022年,頁349–361。
Canadian Chinese School of Theology
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