Tyndale University: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 1277
The Lighthouse Foundation: Discovering the Underlying Reasons that Prevented Its Launch, While Understanding Leadership When Faced With Failure
(Tyndale University, 2023-08)The focus of this research portfolio was to discover the reasons that prevented the Lighthouse Foundation from launching. The Lighthouse Foundation is a non-profit ministry initiated by, but separate from the church, The ... -
Strengthening a Korean-Canadian Church Leadership Team by Developing Their Self-Awareness and Knowledge about Communication Styles
(Tyndale University, 2023-11)This Research Portfolio is about my leadership development via Tyndale’s Doctor of Ministry program. It includes my Leadership Narrative, Philosophy of Leadership, Ministry Context Analysis and Project Report. As a therapist, ... -
Practicing Community: Postures and Practices for Spiritual Formation
(Tyndale University, 2023-12)This Research Portfolio explores the ministry of spiritual formation through the development of Practicing Communities (PCs) in Christian congregations. Aspects of individualism in my personal life and spiritual communities ... -
Being Transformed to Help Others Transform: Exploring Spiritual Formation and the Life-Changing Power of Lectio Divina
(Tyndale University, 2023-11)This Research Portfolio explores the theme “Being Transformed to Help Others Transform: Exploring Spiritual Formation and The Life-Changing Power of Lectio Divina.” It encompasses the knowledge of God, self-awareness, and ... -
Listening to God: the Key to Spiritual Formation for Salvationists and All People
(Tyndale University, 2023-02)Having a relationship with God implies communication with Him. How do we communicate with God? How do we know what He is saying? Through the process of writing her spiritual autobiography during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ... -
The Practice of Silence and Its Related Spiritual Disciplines in Guiding Cambodian Christian Leaders Toward Christlike Transformation
(Tyndale University, 2023-06)I have in my desire to be inwardly transformed toward Christlikeness and become as close to God as possible. My spiritual autobiography in this portfolio is a testimony of such a journey toward Christlikeness, a journey ... -
Developing Leadership Team Vision for the Oakville Community at the Oakville Adventist Company Through Appreciative Inquiry
(Tyndale University, 2023-03)Oakville Adventist Company (OSDA) was a congregation that had not been growing and had no active presence in the community of Oakville. To help address these concerns, a leadership retreat was designed and implemented that ... -
A Psychospiritual Approach to Christian Spiritual Formation
(Tyndale University, 2023-02)This research portfolio presents an integrated psychospiritual approach to Christian spiritual formation. It arose from the author’s reflection on her own spiritual journey, from her professional experience as a psychotherapist, ... -
Intentionality in the Practice of Spiritual Disciplines: A Case Study
(Tyndale University, 2023-02)In this research portfolio, the author will answer the following questions: What place should spiritual disciplines have in the life of a Christian and how does the Christian need to be intentional in the practice of them? ... -
Training Ministry Leaders Towards Supportive Psychotherapy Referrals to Tyndale Wellness Centre
(Tyndale University, 2023-03)This Doctor of Ministry integrated portfolio presents a summary of key insights, themes and findings arising from an exploration of Christian leadership, with particular reference to the authors’ own ministry context as ... -
Building Resilience in Korean Canadian Leaders at Non-Profit Organizations in Toronto
(Tyndale University, 2023-01)This Research Portfolio was written to complete my Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program at Tyndale University in Toronto, Ontario. It describes how I changed from an agnostic to a Christian and from a worldly leader to a ... -
Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Ministry to Members of First Baptist Church, Montreal During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Tyndale University, 2023-03)In its nearly two-hundred-year existence in the city, First Baptist Church has seen the best and worst of life in Montreal. Still, the current congregation shows no signs of giving up our corporate goal to be "A House of ... -
Developing a Method for Growing in Intimacy with the Triune God Through Knowing, Being and Doing
(Tyndale University, 2023-02)In this Research Portfolio, the author develops a method for growing in intimacy with God, through faith in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Spirit using the metaphor of a fruit bearing tree. The method is developed in three ... -
A Collaborative Model to Increase Confidence for Preaching in Young Adults at Rosthern Seventh-day Adventist Church, Saskatchewan
(Tyndale University, 2023-03)This portfolio aimed to develop a collaborative model with six young adults of the Rosthern Seventh-day Adventist Church, Saskatchewan, to increase their confidence for preaching. A three-phase process was required to train ... -
Assessing the Impact of Morning and Evening Prayer on the Spiritual Formation of the Wardens within the Parish of St. James and Christ Church
(Tyndale University, 2023-02)This action research project focused primarily on the spiritual and devotional aspects of the Anglican liturgy and its impact, or lack thereof. The project's participants were the Wardens (who in collaboration with the ... -
Social Media Usage, Narcissism, and Romantic Relationship Quality: A Correlational Analysis
(Tyndale University, 2023-04)Research has shown an increase in narcissism in the general population over time (Twenge & Campbell, 2009). One reason for this phenomenon is due to social media and its features such as likes, comments, and follows that ... -
The Relationship between Parenting Style and a Child’s Emotional Intelligence
(Tyndale University, 2023-03)The relationship between a parents’ parenting style, a child’s emotional intelligence scores, and whether or not the child grew up in a household with two parents was measured in a sample of undergraduate students at Tyndale ... -
Three Dimensions of Spiritual Formation: Grow Deep, Grow High, Grow Wide
(Tyndale University, 2022-09)In this research portfolio, the author articulates spiritual formation using a model that involves three dimensions, Grow Deep, Grow High, Grow Wide. This will be explored through three avenues. The first is a spiritual ... -
Estrangement, Resettlement & Community: A Qualitative Study of Post-2019 HK Diasporic Young Adults at a Chinese Canadian Church
(Tyndale University, 2023-04)Many Hong Kong citizens have emigrated from Hong Kong (HK) to countries such as Canada after the 2019 political unrests. The HK diaspora have their own narratives in leaving their communities to settle in a foreign country. ... -
Understanding Motivational Differences through the Lens of Gamification User Types.
(George Fox UniversityNewberg, Or., 2023-05)In the context of an educational technology course, teacher candidates completed Marczewski’s User Types Hexad Test, a questionnaire based on a typology for classifying both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational tendencies. ...