Tyndale University: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 1277
Review of Walter Brueggemann, The Land: The Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith. 2nd ed.
(University of Toronto PressToronto, Ont., 2005) -
Joanna Baillie
(The Literary Dictionary Company LimitedEngland, 2001-11-12) -
’A Thousand Angles’: Photographic Irony in the Work of Virginia Woolf and Julia Margaret Cameron
(University of Manitoba PressWinnipeg, MB, 2000-06)This essay argues that both Julia Margaret Cameron and her great-niece Virginia Woolf challenge class and gender stereotypes through photographic irony Departing from the reading of Cameron as Woolf's staid Victorian foil, ... -
Review of Where is God? Christian Faith in the Time of Great Uncertainty: Julián Carrón in Conversation with Andrea Tornielli
(Equinox Publishing GroupSheffield, UK, 2022) -
Revelation of God’s Glory as a Source of Hope
(Tyndale University College & SeminaryToronto, Ont., 2012-10) -
Review of Steven J. Land, Pentecostal Spirituality: A Passion for the Kingdom
(Fellowship of Evangelical Students and International Fellowship of Evangelical StudentsLeicester, etc.], 1995-05) -
Review of Fundamentalism or Tradition: Christianity after Secularism, edited by Aristotle Papanikolaou and George E. Demacopoulos
(Equinox Publishing GroupSheffield, UK, 2022) -
Deborah: A Role Model for Christian Public Ministry
(IVP AcademicDowners Grove, Ill., 2007) -
’Delicacy of Taste Redeemed’: The Aesthetic Judgment and Spiritual Formation of Jane Austen’s Clergymen-Heroes
(Lehigh University PressBethlehem, PA, 2014) -
Jane Austen and the Arts: Elegance, Propriety, and Harmony
(Lehigh University PressBethlehem, PA, 2014) -
Conclusion: Next Steps for Mission and Evangelism in a Secularizing World – Canadian Perspectives
(Pickwick PublicationsEugene, OR, 2019) -
Tentmaking: Creative Mission Opportunities within a Secularizing Canadian Society
(Pickwick PublicationsEugene, OR, 2019) -
Mission and Evangelism in a Secularizing World: Academy, Agency, and Assembly Perspectives from Canada
(Wipf & StockEugene, OR, 2019) -
Where the Bootstrapping Really Lives
(Fordham University PressNew York, 2017-12)Modified Theistic Activism is the view that abstract objects not essentially possessed by God fall under God’s creative activity in one way or another. Michelle Panchuk has argued that this position succumbs to the ... -
How to Individuate Universals—Or Not
(Kluwer Academic PublishersDordrecht, Netherlands, 2013)In a recent article in this journal, J. P. Moreland (2013) extends his theory of individuation to include universals. In this note, I show how Moreland’s novel proposal leads to the unwanted conclusion that every concrete ... -
Are Bare Particulars Constituents?
(SpringerDordrecht, Netherlands, 2013)In this article I examine an as yet unexplored aspect of J.P. Moreland’s defense of so-called bare particularism — the ontological theory according to which ordinary concrete particulars (e.g., Socrates) contain bare ... -
God and the Platonic Horde: A Defense of Limited Conceptualism
(Evangelical Philosophical Society in cooperation with Biola UniversityLa Mirada, Calif., 2011)In this paper I shall argue two things. First, it is plausible to think that Conceptualism holds with respect to propositions;; in any event, it does a much better job than its closest competitors (Platonism and Nominalism) ... -
Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy: Curiouser and Curiouser
(John WileyHoboken, N.J., 2010) -
God and Counterpossibles
(Cambridge University PressCambridge, UK, 2006)In this paper I critically examine Brian Leftow’s attempt to construct a theistic semantics for counterpossibles, one that can be used to make sense of the fact that propositions, which exist necessarily, nevertheless ... -
The Brave New Particularism
(St. Louis University. College of Philosophy and LettersSt. Louis, MO, 2004-05)