Tyndale University: Recent submissions
Now showing items 681-700 of 1277
Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Greeting Behaviours in Education Through a Lens of Relational Engagement
(Brock University, Brock-Golden Horseshoe Educational ConsortiumSt. Catharines, ON, 2021)Various impacts of COVID-19 have been explored throughout the literature; however, no research has yet considered the impact of COVID-19 on greetings in education. This paper represents an attempt to address this gap. Using ... -
Fire in His Belly: A History of the Office of Social Concerns and Public Relations of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada as Coordinated by Reverend Hudson T. Hilsden -- 1976-1993
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2011-04)In 1976, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) announced that Canada had arrived at a significant landmark of moral deterioration. In response to an absence of legislation protecting Christian values, the PAOC ... -
The Development, Implementation, and Assessment of a Nutrition Curriculum Unit for Grades 9-12 in the Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Ontario
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2013-04)Nutrition instruction is integral to the balanced education of children. In the Seventh-day Adventist school system in Ontario, instruction in this subject has been inconsistent historically. In order to start addressing ... -
Developing a Contextualized Model for Small Group Ministry at Disciples Revival Church, Toronto, Ontario
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-04)This thesis describes a contextualized small group model and the steps taken to implement it in Disciples Revival Church in Toronto, Canada. This Pentecostal church is primarily composed of immigrants mostly from Africa ... -
Refinement and Implementation of a Christian Leadership Development Model at Pickering Pentecostal Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-03)This research project involved the refinement and implementation of A Christian Leadership Development Model (ACLDM) at Pickering Pentecostal Church (PPC) for the purpose of developing leaders. Empowering and developing ... -
Equipping Care Group Leaders Using the Motif of Prophet, Priest, and King in a Singaporean Bible-Presbyterian Congregation
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2013-01)The training of care group leaders is often overlooked. At times their role is not clearly defined. As a result some care groups function like a social group without spiritual direction. This research project addresses the ... -
Let Us Therefore Strive to Enter That Rest": An Intertextual and Rhetorical Study of the Old Testament Quotations and Allusions in Hebrews 4:1-11
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-04)The aim of this study is to investigate the significance of "rest" in Hebrews 4: 1-11 and explore the implications of this "rest" for believers. The methodology chosen to conduct this investigation is taken from Richard ... -
A Formational Process to Help Ministry Leaders Engage in Inner Work
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2013-04)Engagement in inner work is important for ministry leaders because there is relationship between the development of the inner person and the exercise of leadership in the public arena. This research project facilitates the ... -
Using a Narrative Pathway Paradigm to Develop Case Studies of Christians in the Marketplace for a Small Group Curriculum
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2013-03)This project-thesis explores the use of personal stories from Christians in the marketplace to create pedagogical case studies for small groups. Through action research and narrative inquiry, critical events in the workplace ... -
Kingdom Now: A Pentecostal Paradigm of Mission
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-12)The purpose of this study is to assist the efforts of North American Pentecostalism by uncovering a theological paradigm of mission that is at once theologically authentic to historic Pentecostalism, as well as missionally ... -
Online Discipling of North African Isolated Christians of Muslim Background
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-03)This project was a small-scale study of the effectiveness of using the Created for Relationship curriculum (Arabic Version) to disciple isolated Christians from Muslim backgrounds (CMB) of North African descent, using ... -
A Journey in Self Development in Understanding Holistic Education at Providence University College
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-08)Providence University College and Theological Seminary is a school of Christian Higher Education that seeks to offer education from a holistic perspective. As a faculty member of this college, the purpose of this study was ... -
Building Bridges: Equipping Congregants at the Kingsview Village Seventh Day Adventist Church to Build Relationships with Muslims
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-05)The goal of this project/thesis is to equip Seventh-day Adventists congregants to build relationships with Muslims in Toronto, Ontario. Through the use of action research and the active participation of twenty congregants ... -
Enabling Grace : Modeling the Similarities and Differences Between Deuteronomy and John's Gospel
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2009-02)This study investigates the relationship between John's Gospel and Deuteronomy, in terms of their similarities and differences. Previous research has noted important intertextual links between the two books, including the ... -
God's Will That All Be Saved: The Character of God Revealed By the Word in John Wesley's Doctrine of Predestination
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-04)This thesis is a study of John Wesley's doctrine of predestination. It focuses on Wesley's view of God's character based on his understanding of both Scripture and Jesus Christ. Wesley's concept of the character of God as ... -
Designing, Writing and Testing a Book and Study Guide for Formational Discipleship
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-02)Jesus' commission to make disciples has raised the issue of discipleship with every generation. This dissertation reports on the process of designing, planning, writing and testing a book and study guide, using action ... -
A Faith Best Sung : The Apostolic Hymnody of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (1909-1926)
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-05)The Bridegroom Songs is the first known Apostolic Pentecostal hymnal, published in 1916 by the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), the first legally recognized Apostolic Pentecostal organization in the United States. ... -
The Impact of Lament Rituals on the Spiritual Wellbeing of Medical Staff in the Health Care Environment
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-11)Lament rituals are a powerful tool for healing the spirit and a very human means of touching the emotion. This research project seeks to establish the value of lament rituals to promote self-awareness and grief expression ... -
The Creation, Implementation and Evaluation of an Evangelical Curriculum to Meet the Ontario Ministry of Education's Requirements for the Comparative World Religions Course (HRT3M) at the Peoples Christian Academy in Markham Ontario Canada
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-03)This project was undertaken for the purpose of developing and implementing and then evaluating a course of study which would fulfill the Ontario Ministry of Education's curriculum requirements for Comparative World Religions ... -
Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric? Wrestling with Troubling War Texts
(IVP AcademicDowners Grove, IL, 2019)