Dissertations and Research Portfolios: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 141
Becoming More Like Him: Spiritual Formation as a Key to Congregational Disciple-Making
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2019-01)This research portfolio tracks the discoveries I have made in the Doctor of Ministry program about my faith journey, understanding of spiritual formation, and desire for greater efficacy in disciple-making. In writing my ... -
Identifying and Addressing Barriers to the Discipleship of Believers from Muslim Background in the Arabian Peninsula
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-08)One of the most pressing issues facing the rapidly emerging church in the Arabian Peninsula (AP) area is how to overcome barriers hampering the spiritual development of believers from Muslim backgrounds (BMBs). This research ... -
Re-entry and Belonging: Policy and Procedure Enhancement for Re-entry Based on Evaluating Experiences from Students in a Mennonite German-Speaking Short-Term Mission Program
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-01)Developing a sense of belonging plays a significant role in successful reentry. The sense of belonging is nurtured through accountable relationships, good communication, awareness and understanding of re-entry stress, and ... -
Transformative Journeys: An 8-Month Engagement of Integrated Discipleship through Service Learning
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-01)Church leaders continue to look for initiatives that will help them lead their congregants to become disciples of Jesus. They are often pressured to do more bible study, increase prayer, or help others serve more in the ... -
Spiritual Formation Shaped by the Potter's Hands: Exploring the Impact of Spiritual Friendships in Small Groups Using Lectio Divina
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-03)Christ followers seek to become more like Jesus. A major goal of the Church is to aid in the process of spiritual growth. In this research portfolio, the author explores spiritual formation as the process of being shaped ... -
A Holistic Spiritual Formation Model for Selected Chinese Evangelical Churches in the G.T.A.
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-02)A holistic spiritual formation journey includes knowing the revealed and hidden aspects of God with our minds and our hearts. This is integral to Christian formation and facilitating authentic spiritual transformation in ... -
Directing the Leadership Team of the Newmarket Church of the Nazarene into the Christian Discipline of Discernment Employing Selected Spiritual Practices
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-04)This research project directed the leadership team of the Newmarket Church of the Nazarene into the Christian discipline of discernment by employing selected spiritual practices. The objective was to develop a deeper ... -
Releasing Missio Dei Behaviour: The Creation and Testing of a Cultural Model Based on the Relationship Between Ethos, Worldview and Habitus in the Context of an Inner City Ministry
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-04)Missio Dei is God's active will to restore a broken relationship between humanity and Himself. The church as a collective body of believers perpetuates the act of reconciliation by actively volunteering works of service ... -
Introducing Post-Preaching Reflection and Assessing its Impact on Selected Members of the Richmond Hill Chinese Baptist Church, Ontario, Canada
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-03)This study demonstrated how post-preaching reflection on Sunday sermons could develop the congregants' ability of Richmond Hill Chinese Baptist Church to learn and apply Scripture to their daily lives. The study was an ... -
Moving Forward in Mission: Introducing Missional Life to a Rural Newfoundland and Labrador Pentecostal Church through Shared Narratives and Missional Experiments
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-01)This study investigated the role, if any, that narrative research, appreciative inquiry, and missional experimentation have in helping people in a local church to understand their participation in the mission of God. The ... -
Designing, Facilitating, and Evaluating an Approach for Leaders to Experience God's Shepherding and to Develop Together as Shepherds of the Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-09)Research by the Barna group indicates that the health of Christian leaders affects the health of the church and that nothing is more important for the future of the Christian church than leadership (Barna 1997, 20, 29). A ... -
The Emerging Reality of Pastors' Husbands: Assessing and Addressing the Issues and Needs Facing the Husbands of Female Clergy Within the Canadian Baptist Denominations
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2014-03)An emerging sector of ecclesial care is that of clergy husbands. These men live in a distinct situation that remains largely unexplored and often even unrecognized. There is minimal research and literature available on ... -
Developing an Organizational Environment to Enhance and Multiply Effective Ministry at Wallenstein Bible Chapel, Ontario: Lessons Learned From a Pond
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2013-04)This thesis describes a project that involved creating and sustaining a healthy church organizational environment in a Plymouth Brethren church in Ontario, believing that this would enable the church to be more effective ... -
A Study on What Christian Hospitality Is, Why We Should Practice It, and the Challenges of Hospitality Based on Acts of Intentional Hospitality as Practiced by Solid Rock Community Church of The Nazarene Towards Individuals Outside of the Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015-03)This thesis studied what Christ-like hospitality is and observed whether hospitality has an impact on building authentic relationships with people outside our church. Six individuals and the researcher used the methodology ... -
Researching, Designing, and Evaluating a Course to Prepare North American College-Age Students for Youth Ministry in a Global Context
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2014-09)A majority of trained evangelical youth workers are located in North America and therefore serving a minority of the world's youth. The purpose of this project was to determine principles and praxes of disciple-making ... -
One Body in Christ: A Strategic Planned Changed Project in the Church Assembly in Toronto Transitioning an Ethnic Church Into a Missional Multi-Ethnic Church Through the Adoption of the Local Majority Official Language in the Sunday Service
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-03)This study is a project of planned change transitioning the language employed in the Sunday service of the Church Assembly in Toronto from Chinese to English. The purpose of the change is to create an environment that can ... -
Developing Christlike Disciples with the Fourfold Spiritual Journey Model at Westwood Alliance Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2018-10)In this research portfolio, the author explores spiritual formation as a deeper life journey to imitate Jesus Christ. The key question the research addressed is how Jesus’ followers in Westwood Alliance Church (hereafter ... -
The Development, Implementation, and Assessment of a Nutrition Curriculum Unit for Grades 9-12 in the Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Ontario
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2013-04)Nutrition instruction is integral to the balanced education of children. In the Seventh-day Adventist school system in Ontario, instruction in this subject has been inconsistent historically. In order to start addressing ... -
Developing a Contextualized Model for Small Group Ministry at Disciples Revival Church, Toronto, Ontario
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2012-04)This thesis describes a contextualized small group model and the steps taken to implement it in Disciples Revival Church in Toronto, Canada. This Pentecostal church is primarily composed of immigrants mostly from Africa ... -
Refinement and Implementation of a Christian Leadership Development Model at Pickering Pentecostal Church
(Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017-03)This research project involved the refinement and implementation of A Christian Leadership Development Model (ACLDM) at Pickering Pentecostal Church (PPC) for the purpose of developing leaders. Empowering and developing ...