Browsing Conferences by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 110
The 1857 Hamilton, Ontario Revival: An exploration of the Layman’s Revival and The Second Great Awakening
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2015-03-24) -
The Arrangement of Predestination in Calvin’s Institutes: A Critical Assessment of the Relationship Between Predestination and the Theme of Book Three
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2018-04-25) -
Assessing Social Sin: A Critical Task in Contemporary Methodism
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2011-03-15) -
’Be Thorough, But Be in Haste’: Impetus and Self-Understanding of Mission in the Early Free Methodist Church
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2010-03-23) -
Breakdown in Babylon: An Exploration of Psalm 137 Through the Lens of Metal Culture
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2017-04-25) -
Called into Perfection: Mary Fletcher’s “Watch Words”
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2022-04-29) -
Canadian Methodist Spirituality in the Late Nineteenth Century: Revisiting the Past, Renewing the Future
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2019-04-30) -
The Chair of Wesley Studies: Its Birth-Pangs at Tyndale, Its Unapologetic Contribution of Theological Riches, Its Full Flowering in a World God Refuses to Forsake
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
The Chalcedonian Logic of Wesley’s Christology
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2017-04-25) -
The Character and Authority of Scripture - 1st session
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2017-04-24) -
Charles Wesley: Priest, Poet and Theologian
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2011-03-15) -
Christian Perfection, From Wesley to Phoebe Palmer
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2021-04-29) -
The Clean Slate: Reading Romans 5 with an Wesleyan Lens
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2014-03-25) -
Comparing Arminianism and Open Theism on Theodicy: An Example of How Experience Affects our Preferences for Theological Systems
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2016-03-22) -
A Complex Inheritance: The Ambiguous Legacy of Catherine Mumford Booth’s Defence of Female Ministry
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2022-04-26) -
Conversion, Justification, and the Experience of Grace in the Post-Aldersgate Wesley
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2011-03-15) -
Creating and Sustaining Christian Culture and Conscience: A Challenge for the Church
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2014-03-25) -
The Decline and Fall of the Canadian Jerusalem: Ellen Hebden and the Influence of an Independent Canadian Pentecostal Movement
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2022-04-26) -
Dreams as Divine Revelation: A Wesleyan Approach
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2023-04-25) -
Dressing Their Spiritual and Ecclesial Changes: Women Preachers in the Progressive Era
(Annual Wesley Studies SymposiumToronto, Ont., 2022-04-26)