Evangelical Recorder (Ontario Bible College), 82, no. 4 (December 1976)
Table of Contents
Editorial: The Bible is Inerrant, Infallible and Inspired Her O.B.C. Stands -- Don’t Tamper with the Scriptures! / Roger C. Palms -- Archaeologists Unearth Genesis-Era Tablets / William Sanford LaSor -- Seminary News -- Open to the Lord’s Leading / Moir A.J. Waters -- January Inter-Session Ontario Theological Seminary January 10-21, 1977 -- Shelf Wealth “Clients out of Hell” / Matthew Francis -- Friends Help New Campus -- God Hath Given a New Thing… / Nancy Black -- People You Should Know -- 1976-1977 Freshmen -- A Column of Trivia -- Sharing the Vision / Diane Dadian -- 1600 Attend Dedication Service -- Apartment Witnessing / Marian Roberts -- Ourselves—Your Servants / Marlene Williams -- Alumni News / Compiled by Ione Essery -- Books -- Stewardship.
Ontario Bible College
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Copyright, Tyndale University. All rights reserved.
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Alternative Title
Evangelical Recorder – December 1976; Recorder (Ontario Bible College) – December 1976; Recorder – December 1976