Browsing Ngien, Dennis by Title
Now showing items 8-12 of 12
The Interface of Science, Theology, and Religion: Essays in Honor of Alister E. McGrath: Presented on the Occasion of McGrath’s 65th Birthday.
(Pickwick PublicationsEugene, Oregon, 2019) -
Luther as a Spiritual Adviser: The Interface of Theology and Piety in Luther’s Devotional Writings
(PaternosterMilton Keynes, UK, 2007) -
Luther’s Theology of the Cross: Christ in Luther’s Sermons on John
(Cascade BooksEugene, OR, 2018) -
The Suffering of God according to Martin Luther’s Theologia Crucis
(Peter LangNew York, 1995) -
The Suffering of God According to Martin Luther’s ‘Theologia Crucis’
(Regent College PublishingVancouver, 2005)