Kessler, John. Old Testament Theology: Divine Call and Human Response. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2013.
Publishers’ summary: Old Testament Theology combines elements of Old Testament history, exegesis, hermeneutics, and theology, and situates them within the social, cultural, and intellectual world of ancient Israel and Israelite religious institutions. The result is a comprehensive and readable introduction to Old Testament theology for students in seminaries and colleges
Table of Contents
Reading the Old Testament theologically: challenges and rewards -- Hearing God's voice in the Old Testament -- The Old Testament's portraits of relationship with God -- Creation theology: the relationship of knowing God as creator and God's purposes for creation -- Covenants and covenantal relationships in Israel and the ancient Near East: an overview -- Sinai covenant theology: the relationship of grateful obligation -- Promise theology: the relationship of confident expectation -- Priestly theology: the gift of Yahweh's holy presence -- The theology of divine accessibility: speaking to God amidst the manifold experiences of life -- Wisdom theology: the relationship of faith seeking understanding -- Living in the house that God built: learning to read Scripture for theological emphasis and relational response.
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