Webb, William J. Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2001.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Welcome to the world of application -- Part I: Toward a hermeneutic of cultural analysis -- The Christian & culture -- A redemptive-movement hermeneutic -- Cultural/transcultural analysis: A road map -- Part II: Intrascriptural criteria -- Persuasive criteria -- 1. Preliminary movement -- 2. Seed ideas -- 3. Breakouts -- 4. Purpose/intent statements -- 5. Basis in fall or curse -- Moderately persuasive criteria -- 6. Basis in original creation, section 1: Patterns -- 7. Basis in original creation, section 2: Primogeniture -- 8. Basis in new creation -- 9. Competing options -- 10. Opposition to original culture -- 11. Closely related issues -- 12. Penal code -- 13. Specific instructions versus general principles -- Inconclusive criteria -- 14. Basis in theological analogy -- 15. Contextual comparisons -- 16. Appeal to the Old Testament -- Part III: Extrascriptural criteria -- Persuasive extrascriptural criteria -- 17. Pragmatic basis between two cultures -- 18. Scientific and social-scientific evidence -- What if I am wrong? -- Conclusion: Arriving at a bottom line -- Appendix A: Ma created first & primogeniture assumptions -- the traditional interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:13 -- Appendix B: Women as more easily deceived than men -- the traditional interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:14 -- Appendix C: Research on detecting deception -- Appendix D: Woman created from man and for man -- an assessment of 1 Corinthians 11:8-9
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Alternative Title
Slaves, Women and Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis