Friesen, Dallas Bernhard Neil. “Developing and Evaluating the Transformative Capacities Model to Cultivate Awareness and Facilitate Practices of Faithful Presence at Mount Hamilton Baptist Church.” D. Min, Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2013.
This research project introduces and develops a spiritual transformation model called the Transformative Capacities Model. The heuristic model was developed using the methodology of action research at Mount Hamilton Baptist Church to cultivate awareness and facilitate practices of faithful presence. The model is based on teachings from the Epistle of James and the life of Jesus and utilizes insights from the David Kolb's experiential learning paradigm. The model identifies spiritual transformation as an initiative of God involving the human response of word and deed. Four transformative practices are identified: listening, discerning, acting and resting. According to this model the goal or telos of spiritual transformation is faithful presence. The model was field tested by using four participation groups. Groups gathered to study scripture, pray, reflect and dialogue. Data collection tools included: a questionnaire, interviews, journal logs, and an evaluation tool. The results indicated that participants desired spiritual transformation and were particularly interested in developing their practices of listening and resting. This project demonstrates that the Transformative Capacities Model has the potential to be an effective way to cultivate awareness and facilitate practices of spiritual transformation.
Degree Attained
Thesis (D. Min.)—Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2013
Table of Contents
Introduction – Theological Rationale – Precedent Literature – Project and Methodology – Findings and Outcomes – Conclusions
Tyndale University College & Seminary
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