Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Fostering Community and a Culture of Learning in Seminary Classrooms: a Personal Journey 

      Siew, Yau Man (Talbot School of Theology in cooperation with the National Association of Professors of Christian EducationLa Mirada, CA, 2006)
      While a syllabus can helpfully outline the various topics and expectations for a course (“explicit” curriculum), it is increasingly realized that all learning is framed by an “implicit” curriculum. These “implicit” values ...
    • Pastor as Shepherd Teacher: Insiders’ Stories of Pastoral and Educational Imagination 

      Siew, Yau Man (Talbot School of Theology in cooperation with the National Association of Professors of Christian EducationLa Mirada, CA, 2013)
      The role of pastors in vibrant churches is established in the literature, but the nature of their influence as shepherd-teachers has not been probed. This case study looks at how a senior-pastor shaped congregational ...