Canadian Chinese School of Theology (CCST)
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Tyndale University and the Association of Canadian Chinese Theological Education (ACCTE) have collaborated in a strategic partnership to organize the Canadian Chinese School of Theology (Toronto). Tyndale is fully accredited by the Association of Theological schools in the United States and Canada (ATS). Mandarin is the language of instruction.
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CCST Publications
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Gan en, gan en gan yu ji qi ge ren si kao=感恩、感恩干預及其個人思考
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Theodicy and Hope in the Book of the Twelve
(T & T ClarkLondon, UK, 2021) -
Smith, Louise Pettibone, 1887-1981
(Baker AcademicGrand Rapids, Mich., 2012) -
Yi xie xuan jiao xue nan ti de jie gou=一些宣教學難題的解構
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Cong jiao hui li shi kan Hua ren jiao hui de zheng tong=從教會歷史看華人教會的正統
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology=加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Lun Lao Zi Dao de jing de he yi xian xiang: yi zhong gai nian xing fen xi =論老子道德經的合一現象: 一種概念性分析
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jianada Zhongguo yi min fu yin shi gong ce lue=加拿大中國移民福音事工策略
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Fu huo qi wu shi ri de qi di=復活期五十日的啟迪
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Theological Themes Behind Martin Luther’s Advices Given to the Sick and Dying: A Short Paper Based on the Readings from the Consolatory Letters in Luther, Letters of Spiritual Counsel
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Rhetorical Analysis of the "Woe Oracles" in the Book of Habakkuk
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Xie zuo shi jiao mu ling dao =協作式教牧領導
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Qian lun Liu Xiaogan lun ji ‘Lao Zi’ zhong de ‘dao’ fei Jidu jiao shang di de guan dian=淺論劉笑敢論及〈老子〉中的「道」非基督教上帝的觀點
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Hui ying zhe shi ke de xu yao = 回應這時刻的需要
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Fu qin xin, er nu qing: tian guo lun li de shen xue mo xiang =父親心、兒女情 : 天國倫理的神學默想
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
“’Ruo’: Xin yue Xila wen tiao jian ju de gong yong” =「若」: 新約希臘文條件句的功用
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jian gou Hua ren jiao hui Jidu jiao jiao yu shen xue chu yi=建構華人教會基督教教育神學芻議
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Zhongguo xin, Zhongguo xing=中國心, 中國行
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jiu tian ren zhi ji : gu jin dong xi Jidu jiao jiao yi shi (shang ce) = 究天人之際 : 古今東西基督教教義史(上冊)
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Tian huang zhi: Riben xuan jiao zhong wu fa hui bi de ke ti=天皇制度: 日本宣教中無法迴避的課題
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Mading Lude lun jiang dao=馬丁路德論講道
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022)