Browsing Canadian Chinese School of Theology (CCST) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Smith, Louise Pettibone, 1887-1981
(Baker AcademicGrand Rapids, Mich., 2012) -
Huo Xue, Huo Jiao, Jian Li Zhu Men Tu: Jidu Jiao Jiao Yu Dao Lun = 活學, 活教, 建立主門徒: 基督教教育導論
(Hua Ren Shen Jin Jiao Dao Tui Xing Hui You Xian Gong Si = 華人聖經教導推行會有限公司Hong Kong, 2014) -
The Holocaust and Moltmann’s Theodicy
(Regent College PublishingVancouver, B.C., 2014) -
Jidu jiao jiao yu dao lun = 基督教教育导论
(金陵协和神学院= Jinling xie he shen xue yuanNanjing, China, 2014) -
2 Samuel 21-24: A Theological Reflection on Israel’s Kingship
(The Old Testament Society of Southern Africa (OTSSA)Pretoria, Gauteng, ZA, 2018)The chiastic arrangement of 2 Sam 21-24 signifies that it is not just a collection of miscellaneous material supplementing the Samuel corpus. Rather it is intentionally arranged to function as a theological reflection on ... -
Review of Ascension Theology and Habakkuk: A Reformed Ecclesiology in Filipino American Perspective, by Neal D. Presa
(Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity (ISAAC)Los Angeles, Calif., 2019) -
(Oxford University PressNew York, 2021) -
Men tu shen du xing (yi) : men tu san bao = 門徒深度行 (一) : 門徒三寶
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2021) -
Theodicy and Hope in the Book of the Twelve
(T & T ClarkLondon, UK, 2021) -
Zhongguo xin, Zhongguo xing=中國心, 中國行
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Theological Themes Behind Martin Luther’s Advices Given to the Sick and Dying: A Short Paper Based on the Readings from the Consolatory Letters in Luther, Letters of Spiritual Counsel
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Qian lun Liu Xiaogan lun ji ‘Lao Zi’ zhong de ‘dao’ fei Jidu jiao shang di de guan dian=淺論劉笑敢論及〈老子〉中的「道」非基督教上帝的觀點
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Fu qin xin, er nu qing: tian guo lun li de shen xue mo xiang =父親心、兒女情 : 天國倫理的神學默想
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Jian gou Hua ren jiao hui Jidu jiao jiao yu shen xue chu yi=建構華人教會基督教教育神學芻議
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Xie zuo shi jiao mu ling dao =協作式教牧領導
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
“’Ruo’: Xin yue Xila wen tiao jian ju de gong yong” =「若」: 新約希臘文條件句的功用
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Hui ying zhe shi ke de xu yao = 回應這時刻的需要
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Rhetorical Analysis of the "Woe Oracles" in the Book of Habakkuk
(Canadian Chinese School of TheologyToronto, Ont., 2022) -
Mading Lude lun jiang dao=馬丁路德論講道
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology = 加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022) -
Cong jiao hui li shi kan Hua ren jiao hui de zheng tong=從教會歷史看華人教會的正統
(Canadian Chinese School of Theology=加拿大華人神學院Toronto, Ont., 2022)